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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Baby Ducks

A few new baby ducks one mother with 9 babies one of which is this yellow little fellow. A lot of the duck are late with babies this year

Baby duck Queens Park Crewe



Some more before and after which is the best? In this case the path from the cafe to the bandstand which used to be a big hill great for kids but not so good if you struggle walking. Today we have a £250,000 bridge which is very high and kids keep climbing on it. Who remembers the old bandstand with glass around it?


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Before and after part two


As nothing is happening in the park I thought we would have some more and after pictures. Last week we looked at Coronation Walk from north to south this week the other way around looking towards the main road above as it was note the greenhouses in the background. We dont want any of these images copied onto the Face Book Group that has pirated over 30 of my other images and FB has had to remove them 3 times


As it is today a fine selection of weeds and a none working water fall


The original layout of the Queens Park



The bowling Hut as it was and the much talked about £500,000 new hut which people are complaining about as now you cant play bowls anymore originally you could hire woods very cheap to encourage new users but now its members only and people are saying its a lot of money for a few members


Monday, July 15, 2013

Before and After


Some of the children from the local school have done a good job this week varnishing the bench's on the main drive and they all look like new now they will  brighten the place up a bit


Lots of comments this week about before and after so I just compared Coronation Walk in this old photo with the pets corner in the back ground to the modern day


All you get now id weeds several feet tall and no signs of the water fall or the pets corner so is the park better than before or worse?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Welcome to the Wild West


The vandals have been at it again smashing the fence over Burma Island bridge and throwing the wood into the lake.


The baby swans are doing well considering idiots with fishing line and dogs etc


A new brood of chicks just born with their mum we havent had many young this year and those we have had few are surviving. 


The dog menace has been in full swing this week with 2 collie dogs in the lake this week chasing ducks a lot of this has gone on while the wardens are sitting in the office. But the one above happened on Sunday the dog went in the lake after a ball and chasing the ducks. The idiot owner came to the lake edge and the swans were getting ready to attack as their babies were there. The man took his dog right next to a young couple with a baby and very young child and sent it in the lake again putting the baby and child in danger.