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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Autumn arrives early


The council still haven't taken any action about dangerous trees and dead branch's this one came down and certainly big enough to kill someone it been left for 2 weeks now. They have a duty of care which they are failing on when someone get hurt or worse they may take some action to make the park safe it was a condition of the lottery grant the park was maintained



A lot of trees are now showing signs of winter colour and its a month early so we may get a bad winter.

The Lions display is now restored from the problems and looking good


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Help needed to keep site going

For over 9 years I have run and In all that time I have paid for everything myself and used my own camera to take over 75,000 photos of the Queens Park and Crewe.

I am now 69 years old and on a pension and cant keep up the web site fees and my camera is past it so I am looking for support from my readers in the form of donation so the sites dont have to close.

Please spread the word and make a donation