Queens Park Restoration Project Stakeholders Meeting No 14 Chairman's Report by Councillor Roy Cartlidge Date 15th of September 2009.
It's seems a very long time since our last meeting 8th of July to be precise but I hope you will agree with me it's been worth it, I say that because of all the bad publicity of the past I now believe we have turned a new chapter on the restoration front.
The long wait has given time for the outstanding works to be organised and contracts to be signed and the works although very much behind the scenes work has been carried-out on the following: Culvert, landscaping works and railing base at Victoria Ave along with work to restore the bandstand on site this was carried out without any problems for our resident bats population.
All this was noted on a walkabout with officers concerned and feel confident that the project is once again back on track for a grand opening ceremony sometime I hope in the late summer 2011 this needs further discussion along with the formation of a new Friends Group which hopefully take over the role of community consultation on the Park and associated issues like events and visitor support.
The only fly in the ointment is the re-jigging of the proposed design of the park buildings but I have been assured that this was necessary to make sure that the works would be carried out on time and to budget so a saving here and there has helped in ensuring that our park is well on the way to completion.
Other Issues:
The works are being carried out in a structured way to ensure that damage to existing infrastructure is not damaged by the heavy machinery the bridges are key element in this only when they are in place can the other associated work be started like the coronation walk landscaping, Lake Works, sluice gates/overflow along with clock tower / Boer War Memorial and building construction works commences on the new cafeteria, bowling pavilion. The depot building, I believe this is where the compromise on cost and build quality was made, so not the purpose built depot we were promised but a utilisation of one of the Lodges. The West & East Lodges are now going to be used for day to day running of the park with administration, staff accommodation and a far better purpose served than residential lettings. An unforeseen benefit re the loss of the Depot build is that it leave more space for Park use.
Friends Group:
I wish them well for the future and only good work and dedication can be expected from them to put the public and visitors first and keep a sense of community within our fine Victorian parkland.
Grand Reopening Ceremony:
I hope we can discuss this further at tonight's meeting I have raised this with the leadership of the Council already, A Prom in the Park event in the evening,
And a Victorian theme throughout the day hot air balloons, steam fair and attractions?
Yes that is what it could be like it remains to be seen whether or not it will! It's really down to you who will be present at the meeting to follow this through to its conclusion.
Connect2 Cycle Way:
This project is due to start at the Crewe end of the route this will involve work around the boundary of the park in Queens Park Drive areas and new car park construction associated with it and installation of road safety infrastructure this is to start early 2010 and a lot of work must be completed before March or no later than April around this particular part of the route this will ensure that it will not compromise the works or progress of the park works and in fact help to enhance the overall scheme to improve a grot spot just outside one of the park entrances to the west. The final completion date of the entire route given by Sustrans as 2013 Crewe to Nantwich.
The Friends Group need to be on the stakeholders/steering group for this contact:
Mr Peter Foster
North West Regional Director
St Pauls Centre
Crewe CW1 3BY
For further information.
Finally I would like to thank everyone who has attended the stakeholders meetings in the past and present, whatever your views differing or otherwise you have made a contribution to the success of the park and we have all come along way since the C&NBC days we can all now hopefully see the end product in sight.
Thanks to the officers and staff of the park and councils past and present for their professionalism in carrying out their duties to such a high degree under such difficult conditions.