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Saturday, December 25, 2010


This will be the last update for this year and we will start a new news page for what we hope is the last year of the restoration. It interesting to look back at the whole year and we have the 2009 photos and news on line as well at the main Queens Park website


The Queens Park lake is frozen over once again and the idiots are out. The above shot of the lads running across the lake and jumping about on it. There is also bike tracks across the lake. What they dont realize is if it breaks and they fall in they could be in serious trouble as the temperature is so low. The problem is if they do fall in someone from emergency services may have to risk their lives to rescue them. So be smart and safe and stay off the lake.


The ducks are out enjoying a game of football on the lake and seem fascinated by the football. There has been some feathers near the golf coarse end of the lake which suggest something or someone is killing them.


At Tipkinder even the Valley Brook has frozen over which is unusual for a flowing stream.


While people are out feeding the Ducks dont forget the other wildlife as they need food this Robin came down and sat inches from us for ages desperate for food, So bring some food for the birds as well

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the photos Jan - it's been interesting seeing the slow progress of the restoration work through 2010. Happy New Year!